Thursday 26 September 2019

Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) occurs when urine leak issues are experienced with a lot of pressure on bladder/urethra all of a sudden resulting in expansion of sphincter muscles.
When the patient is suffering from mild SUI, pressure can occur because of certain vigorous activities like sneezing, exercise, coughing, laughing etc.

 On the other hand in severe cases of SUI, the patient may leak even with normal activities like walking, bending, getting up standing up etc.
Such a urinary issue includes a few urine drops and can go up to enough quantity of urine to get absorbed in clothes. SUI problem is quite common in women as compared to men.
Stress incontinence has nothing to do with any kind of psychological stress. Stress continence can be encountered while
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Laughing
  • Getting out of a car
  • Stand up
  • Exercising
  • Lifting heavy items
  • During sex
Certainly not all the activities listed above will lead to incontinence, but only when you engage in any one of them. Remember any activity which increases the pressure can result in sudden urine loss, especially when the bladder is full.
The Best Cosmetic Gynaecologist Doctor can suggest a set of treatment plans to reduce the series of incontinence. In case the diagnosis results show infection of the urinary tract to be cause of incontinence then you will be given appropriate treatment to treat the infection.
Plenty of fluid Intake
Your doctor in IVF Centre in Chandigarh may advise some change in the fluids quantity you take and the time when you take the liquids during the day. The only idea is to stay hydrated throughout the day.
IVF-Centre-in-Chandigarh - Copy
The Best Cosmetic Gynaecologist Doctor might ask you to stop taking beverages that contain caffeine and alcohol as these components can affect the bladder function.
Exercises for Pelvic floor muscle
They are also known as Kegel exercises which help make your pelvic floor muscles strong as well as the urinary sphincter.
Your physical therapist will guide you on how to do these exercises correctly. Kegel exercises when done consistently gives noticeable results.
Changes for a Healthy lifestyle
The changes that your doctor may ask you to incorporate is
  • Quit smoking
  • Reduce extra weight
  • Treat cough to reduce the occurrence of stress incontinence as well as the symptoms.
Training the Bladder
Your gynaecologist in Best IVF centres in Punjab might create a schedule for urinating which is done to train your bladder.
 In the case of mixed incontinence, emptying your bladder frequently can reduce the urge incontinence series.

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